Parents of a ClearTract Patient

To Any and All Concerned:

My son Nathan who has been developmentally disabled since birth needed to have his condom catheter replaced by a suprapubic (here forth called sp tube) catheter in 2016 due to recurring urinary tract infections. The surgery was successful and for the first couple of years the tube would stay free of blockage by sediment for about 4 weeks after which it would need to be replaced. Starting about 1 and a half years ago the interval between replacements due to sediment blockage became 3 weeks. Then we started flushing once a day with gentamicin instead of Cipro once after every sp tube change, but it didn’t seem to cut down on the clogging. And then it was 2 weeks and then about a year ago, one week and then finally it had to be replaced every 4-5 days. Not only did this required more frequent Urology Clinic visits but also trips to the Emergency Room and then finally me being trained to do the replacement procedure at his group home when we couldn’t get into the clinic in time. Sometime in the last year the University of Michigan Hospital Urology Clinic received the SILQ sp catheter and part of samples to try. The first time this SILQ catheter was used we saw an immediate improvement in there being no clogging or sediment buildup in the catheter. Right from the first replacement we have been able to 6 weeks between replacements (the recommended interval) and there was still no sediment buildup in the catheter.

Needless to say, this has been a life-changing event for not only Nathan, but also his group home and us, his parents who take him to his appointments!

This has been like a miracle for us and are unbelievably grateful for Brian McVerry and the SILQ Corporation for this incredible breakthrough and hope that this technology will soon be available widespread to any and all who need it.

Respectfully submitted,

Stephen, Delores and Nathan Newhouse


Ana Garcia


Dulce Garcia