Ana Garcia
To whom it may concern,
My name is Ana Garcia; I am one of Dr. Kreydin’s patient who was able to use the ClearTract catheters as a trial. I have Spinal Muscular Dystrophy; I am in a wheelchair for 12 hrs a day. I have full sensation but using a super pubic catheter provided me with more independence and the ability to stay hydrated. I however did not know that there would be obstacles when having a catheter. When using the regular red catheters there was lots of pain when changing it, foul odor coming through the rubber, and general discomfort from my bladder. I also developed bladder stones.
One day Dr. Kreydin presented the ClearTract catheter for me to use as a trail. I was immediately impressed with the difference with this catheters. There was no pain or bladder spasms on a daily basis. I noticed there were no particles floating around when irrigation was done. I do not have pain when catheter is changed. I also have not developed any bladder stones since using this catheter. I am lucky because this catheter is being available at Rancho Los Amigos now. I do not think I would go back to the other catheters ever again. I believe it’s important to make this product available to more patients who would not only benefit from the catheter but have a better quality of life with something so simple as a catheter.
If you have any questions or would like more detailed information regarding my experience please feel free to contact me at